Munro Doig Lawyers - logo.jpg
Munro Doig Lawyers - logo.jpg
Antony Barrier.jpg
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43 Richardson St., West Perth, WA, Australia, 6005
43 Richardson Street West Perth Western Australia 6005 AU

Founded in 2002, by its directors Colin Munro and Ron Doig, Munro Doig Lawyers is a leading law firm based in Perth, Western Australia. We have extensive experience in the areas of tax, superannuation, succession, intergenerational wealth transfer, estate planning and commercial law. Our clients include high-net worth individuals and small-medium enterprises. We are also leaders in migration law (assisting clients with visa applications through to appeals and solving complex and difficult migration problems). Munro Doig Lawyers is committed to providing first-class assistance, trustworthy advice and strategic solutions. We maintain long-standing relationships with our clients; we think outside the box and provide leading-edge solutions. We look forward to helping you. Call us on 08 9426 6222 or visit to find out more!

Services: Taxation, Superannuation, Commercial, Migration
Business hours: Mon – Fri – 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Payment Method: Cash, Check and Cards
Address : 43 Richardson St., West Perth, WA, Australia, 6005
Phone no : 08 9426 6222
Business mail :

Munro Doig Lawyers - logo.jpg 5 months ago
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Antony Barrier.jpg 5 months ago
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Colin Munro.jpg 5 months ago
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Ron Doig.jpg 5 months ago
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Lester Ong.jpg 5 months ago
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Ron Doig.jpg 5 months ago
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Yikai Hoe.jpg 5 months ago
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